Pre-Shoot Suggestions

Having the right conditions when shooting a home are critical! Staged and de-cluttered homes sell quicker. When a home is staged properly, de-cluttered, it comes out better on the photos that we take. Good staging. Taking a some time out of your schedule now will ensure you sell your home for more, quicker.


We've created the check list below to help guide you in the process of getting you home ready for the Photographer. Please take some time and review the items below. Please remember, Photographers are there to shoot, not clean or stage. We're always happy to advise in what could be done, but that's the extent of what we can do.


- Remove cars from driveway

- Close all windows

- Remove garden hoses if completely visible (if they stand out) from the shot

- Straighten and arrange deck furniture (If any)

- Remove any flags or markers (Then place back once finished shooting)

- Hide all toys and other items around the home

- If you have a grill and it's in decent shape, take the cover off

Overall Interior

- Remove personal photos (Only the ones you don't want seen)

- Try and de-clutter as much as you can through out the home

- Hide waste baskets if visible

- Hide pet dishes/toys/beds

- Turn off televisions

- Turn on all the lights

- Turn off any ceiling fans

- Remove and hide and plug in air fresheners

- Remove shoes, coats, umbrellas, etc from the entrance


- Remove all items from refrigerator door like magnets and photos (Place on top of refrigerator)

- Remove as much as you can from the counter tops

- Hide small appliances

- Clear sink of any dishes


- Make the beds

- Remove laundry baskets or clothes just lying around

- Clear out the room as much as you can of personal items


- Clear the counters as much as possible

- Have toilet seats closed

- Remove items from showers like scrubbers.

- Hide waste baskets and toilet cleaners

Have questions? Lets talk!

Call or text us at 941-275-6550

Schedule Online Now